
Solar Eclipse Highlights Advantages of Predictive Analysis in Germany

March 31, 2015 by Jeff Shepard

meteocontrol today released its solar eclipse data following the solar eclipse that took place on March 20th. The analysis shows how the company was able to predict the extreme fluctuations during the eclipse, in advance of the event itself. Findings show that as the sun receded, solar power dropped from roughly 13GW to 5GW within 45 minutes, and returned to 20GW within the same time period. The findings point to advantages of predictive analysis for long term grid stability.

"Our findings show that what Germany experienced on March 20th equates to the output of eight nuclear power plants that are cut off from the grid within an extremely short period of time," said said Robert Pfatischer, one of the two managing directors of meteocontrol. "This volatility however should not endanger the grid at all if one is able to predict it in advance as we have, and ensure back up supply."

During the eclipse, the moon covered between 66 and 83 percent of the sun in Germany, posing a major challenge for managing the 1.4 million photovoltaic systems connected to the electrical grid. Thanks to precise forecasts however, the grid was able to offset the solar input fluctuations through other sources, allowing power supply to remain stable and blackout-free. In addition to servicing customers, the meteocontrol's accurate forecast mitigated the risk experienced by energy trading companies.

meteocontrol is a subsidiary of SFCE, headquartered in Augsburg, Germany, which offers highly precise solar power forecasts in every corner of the world. The company's solutions combine and compare multiple international weather models in conjunction with data recorded from across more than 37,000 solar systems. Through combining real time solar power generation and weather pattern analytics, meteocontrol, provides exact predictive forecasts, backed up by real operating data.