
Mass Megawatts Wind Power Project Moves Forward

March 14, 2004 by Jeff Shepard

Mass Megawatts Wind Power Inc. (Shrewsbury, MA) reported that it expects to complete its work on the "Commercial Unit Segment" project in late spring after the early spring mud season in Blandford, MA, near Springfield. The project, which is rated at 20 kW and is 72 ft tall, will have live data reports on its website with a video. During the winter, Mass Megawatts completed the engineering and detailing of the structural and mechanical portions of the project.

Mass Megawatts Wind Power develops, builds and operates wind energy power plants capitalizing on a new wind turbine design, the Multi-Axis Turbosystem (MAT), which uses less material, costs less and has smaller blades than traditional wind turbines. The MAT technology allows production of electricity at less than $02.5/kWh in high wind areas of at least 16mph average annual wind speed recorded 100 ft above the ground.