Tech Insights

Exploring the Potential of Floating Solar Farms

June 13, 2023 by Mohsin Naveed

Floating solar farms are growing in popularity in the United States. Here’s what you need to know.

The need for clean energy solutions has led to the growing popularity of floating solar farms–an unconventional solar power solution maximizing the potential of solar and water sources to generate sustainable energy while aiding in land and water conservation. 


Ariel view of floating solar panels

Ariel view of floating solar panels. Image used courtesy of Adobe Stock


Powering America's Waterways: Floating Solar Farms in the US

According to Grand View Research, the market for floating photovoltaic systems is set to grow at a CAGR of 22.5% for the years 2022-2030. Currently, 28 projects generating up to 33 MW are active in the US. 

Notable adoptions in the US include a 4.8 MW project in Healdsburg, California and an 8.9 MW farm at the Canoe Brook Water Treatment Plant in Millburn, NJ. Installation of yet another project worth US$ 6.5 million is underway in Cohoes, NYC, partly funded jointly by a Federal Housing and Urban Development Grant and National Grid. Construction of a 1 MW project has also begun at the Hines Energy Complex in Bartow, Florida. 

New and improved floating photovoltaic systems incorporate energy storage and other renewable resources to ensure uninterrupted energy generation by making up for the intermittency of solar energy. There has been a lot of testing using artificial intelligence to optimize panel positioning and maximize sunlight harvesting. Drones with advanced cameras and sensors are being used to inspect and identify issues that need attention.


Floating Solar Farm Benefits

Floating solar farms offer major land conservation, allowing alternate uses of saved land and eliminating the need for vegetation removal to prepare for installation, as seen with conventional solar installations. Floating solar farms create a protective canopy that prevents evaporation and minimizes unwanted algae growth, which is ideal for drought-affected regions. 

Floating photovoltaics are expandable across all non-recreational water bodies, making them a futuristic green energy solution that is also cost-effective, as solar panel production costs are going down, and long-term returns and savings are highly favorable. It is an ideal solution for power-remote areas with water sources.


floating solar panels

Floating solar panels. Image used courtesy of Adobe Stock


Floating Solar Farm Challenges

As promising as floating solar farms are, they are riddled with challenges. Initial setup costs are 10 to 15% higher compared to conventional solar panels, more for deep water installations. They are, as yet, unable to resist adverse water conditions and weather changes. Due to ecosystem safety concerns caused by dissolved oxygen levels, dropped water temperatures, and electromagnetic fields from the panels, regulatory procedures could also be time-consuming.

However, federal initiatives like renewable portfolio standards, solar tax credits, grants, and subsidies are expected to encourage development and revolutionize the industry.

Floating Solar Farm Outlook

Floating solar farms are emerging as a promising green energy solution to take into the future. Just recently, XFloat secured a US$1 million grant from the BIRD foundation to advance floating solar technology, and its systems are already generating a 28% more efficient yield. If we talk about other countries and the promising outlook of floating solar panels, recently, Portugal began building Europe’s largest floating solar farm. It will consist of around 12,000 solar panels and will be able to produce 7.5 GWh of electricity a year with lithium batteries to store 2 GWh. One of the main things which pushed Europe to take this action is floating solar panels installations in places like California and even polluted lakes of China, where they’re the reason for cutting CO2 emissions.