
Nuuve, MMA Set to Electrify Maritime Industry With Vehicle-to-Grid Technology

August 22, 2022 by Stephanie Leonida

Nuuve and MMA are working together to bring vehicle-to-grid technology to the maritime industry.

Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nuuve) is a green technology company determined to transform the electrification of transport through its vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology platform and has developed a way to allow electric vehicles (EVs) to store renewable energy (from sources like solar or wind) and discharge energy back into the grid when needed. 

In a news release from Nuuve, the company announced it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Maine Maritime Academy (MMA), a public college focusing on engineering, marine science, and transportation. MMA and Nuuve aim to bring V2G to the maritime sector.


Maine Maritime Academy

The MMA holds a fleet of 60 vessels, including the 500-foot Training Ship State of Maine (TSSOM). Image used courtesy of MMA


Nuuve’s V2G Technology

Nuuve’s V2G technology turns “EVs into mobile energy assets.”  

The company offers high-capacity EV charging with alternate current (AC) and direct current (DC) charging stations. Whichever option customers choose, both are preconfigured to integrate with Nuuve’s Grid Integrated Platform (GIVe). To find out more about charging options, you can visit this page.

The GIVe platform controls charging in two ways:

  • Unidirectional mode (V1G) – where the rate of charge is intelligently regulated
  • Bidirectional mode (V2G) – where an EVs battery can both charge and discharge while rates are regulated


Video used courtesy of Nuuve


Individual homeowners can use Nuuve’s V2G technology to lower the cost of owning their EV by charging their vehicle when energy demand is low and feeding the energy back into powering their home when there is a peak in energy demand. 

When energy demand is high, the grid can become overloaded, resulting in blackouts. By storing energy with EVs in this way, homeowners can save but also reduce the demand on the grid and contribute to its stability. This can be beneficial for power grid operators that work tirelessly to balance the supply of power on the grid. 

Nuuve’s V2G technology can also turn a fleet of EVs into a virtual power plant (VPP), of which its combined energy can be sold on energy markets or fed back into the grid.


V2G and MMA

Under the MoU, Nuuve will delve into further research to see where its V2G technology can play a role within the maritime industry. The company’s technology could be used to allow maritime vessels to store (renewable or grid-obtained) energy and release it back to the grid via islands, waterways, and ports. 

In a recent news release, the President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Nuvve, Ted Smith, said, "Integrating Nuvve's patented V2G technology into maritime infrastructure enables electrified transportation – including marine vessels – to become valuable grid resources."

Together, Nuuve and MMA will establish a Center for Maritime V2G at MMA to further V2G research. MMA will also be fleshing out its existing certification and academic programs to provide students with workforce training in V2G-related data science cybersecurity, operations, and artificial intelligence (AI).

"The programs developed through this strategic collaboration will allow Nuvve to dive deeper into the use of maritime V2G, while also developing cybersecurity risk management and AI tools specifically for maritime industry projects and applications,” Gregory Poilasne, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nuuve, said in the same release.

The collaboration between Nuuve and MMA will enable students to participate in projects that have real-world applications and help reduce humanity’s dependency on fossil fuels both on land and at sea.


Feature image used courtesy of MMA