
Sub-GHz Wireless Internet Protocol Mesh Networking SDK

October 24, 2019 by Paul Shepard

Radiocrafts offers an updated software development kit (SDK) for RIIM™ (Radiocrafts' IP Mesh), an embedded RF system designed to be an all-inclusive, easy to use mesh, with direct IP addressing. The RF protocol is the IEEE802.15.4 g/e standard.

RIIM includes an Intelligent C-programmable I/O (ICI), which makes it possible to directly interface to any sensor or actuator, and, it supports Mist Computing. RIIM™ does not require any license or subscription fee.

RIIM targets networks where fast time to market and low engineering effort is desired. Additionally, it targets networks with the following requirements:

  • Industrial grade reliability
  • Adaptation to customer needs
  • Long range and great coverage
  • Low Power
  • Simple network setup

Examples of specific types of applications that RIIM is intended for include but are not limited to:

  • Smart city
  • Energy management systems
  • Light control
  • Climate control
  • Access control and security
  • Agriculture

The updated SDK has various new additions including:

  • Windows support in addition to Linux
  • A new node configuration - Leaf Node
  • A new example ICI application for sleepy nodes
  • Automated scripts to generate a flash image and upload it to the module
  • The SDK itself also has an html file where Radiocrafts has laid out detailed descriptions of all necessary instructions needed to use the SDK effectively.

The RIIM SDK supports a new node configuration, the Leaf Node, which the RC1882CEF-IPM module can be configured as. The RIIM node configurations now consists of:

  • Border Router - As a ROOT node, it acts as the base of the mesh network. It can connect to an external network via ethernet or custom user application on other interfaces such as UART.
  • Mesh Router - As a Mesh Router node, it will be able to route packets up and down in the RIIM mesh network.
  • Leaf Node - As a Leaf node, it can only route packet to its parent. This configuration is used for very low power network nodes.

The RIIM SDK has a new example ICI application for sleepy nodes. This example is meant to show the low power capabilities of a RIIM node. The example shows how you can set a node to switch-off its radio and go to "sleep" mode. It can also be programmed to wake-up periodically to send a message then return to sleep mode.

In addition to sleepy nodes, the RIIM SDK includes six ICI applications including:

Cloud example - This example demonstrates how to connect the RIIM development kit to the cloud.

  • A child node reads its temperature and sends it directly to the cloud
  • The Border Router uses DHCP to connect to a local LAN, it sends status of the network to the cloud
  • The example uses as example cloud solution

Large Network example - This example is made to see the formation, topology and status of a large (or small) network

  • Child nodes connect to the Border Router and periodically sends CoAP packages where the payload is a counter
  • The Border Router periodically prints out the whole network topology and also the received CoAP messages it gets from the child nodes

Local sensors example - This example demonstrates how to interface sensors via various interfaces

  • A child node (running on a Radiocrafts SB) reads one of the following sensors and sends the data as a JSON object (as a CoAP payload) to the Border Router: ADC, Sensirion SHT35 Temperature/Humidity-sensor, ST LIS3DE Accelerometer
  • The Border Router prints out the received CoAP message TA example
  • This example demonstrates the OTA functionality of RIIM
  • The Border Router uses CoAP towards the /ota resource on a child node to send a new user application
  • The receiving node does nothing except periodically writing out a string indicating which application is running
  • After OTA transmission is complete, the receiving node is reset, and the new user application is running

Sensor board example - This example interfaces all functions on the Radiocrafts SB

  • The application reads data from all sensors present on the SB
    • Sensirion SHT35
    • TI HDC2010
    • Sensirion SGPC3
    • ST LIS3DE
    • Analog Light Sensor
    • ADC
    • Honeywell SL353LT
    • User push button
  • It also controls the LEDs
  • Periodically, all the measured values are output to the UART and one measurement is transmitted to the Border Router
  • The Border Router prints out the received CoAP messages

UART example - This example demonstrates the use of the UART

  • UART setup
  • UART transmission with callback function
  • UART reception with callback function and timeout